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What's the weirdest euphemism you've ever heard? I'd have to say that "zizzypon" is the oddest and most interesting one I've ever encountered. The term means "sexual intercourse" and was coined by a friend of mine, Sandra Susser, who's since gone to "the happy hunting ground". Sandra was a bit of a kleptomaniac, also very clever, creative, funny . . . And somewhat deficient, ethically speaking. If she gave you a gift and revealed it was from a "nice store", that was her code for letting you know she'd nicked (shoplifted) the item! Oh, dear!

RobLawrence 7 Sep 7

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Pushing daisies - same as dirt nap
Touched = light in the loafers
Bless your little heart - rot in hell, you POS


A, uh, friend of mine uses the term "furniture" when discussing transactions related to certain controlled agricultural products. "Hey, I am going to look at some nice furniture. Do you want me to pick something up for you?"


Defense Department.

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