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Every time I open up to family, friends and acquaintances about my open mind, non religious and atheist believes I lose them! Some how I feel isolated! They used to try to brain wash me with their religion facts but I do stand for my on tots and never follow what they say or want me too they seems faded out of my life! Some how I became the devil. Why is that? Why we just all get along? Do we have to separate in groups?
I feel isolated and that is why I decide to find my group?

Do you feel the same?

Alebarros 3 Sep 8

Enjoy being online again!

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Religious facts? Lol I have a huge religious family. I've managed to not only sway some, but also keep great respect. My approach is being educated on evolution. Skip religious arguments entirely. Never argue with them, rather fact drop when necessary.
Matt Dilahunty is a genius. I suggest watching as many of his videos as you can. Also the book "Why Evolution is True", by Wayne Coyne is a great place to start. Good luck!!


In my opinion if they're willing to ostracize you because of something like this they didn't love you very much in the first place my sister is very Christian and I am very atheist but we love each other very much and we simply don't step on the other person's toes if you love someone you love them shouldn't matter what their religious affiliation is unless they're doing really bad things with it which is what a lot of Christians do


I have seen many comments just like this from other members on this site. If you read through them you may come to realize you have found a home here.


Sorry you can’t be closer with your family. Apparently their beliefs are so threatened by your ..skepticism they’re incapable of maintaining them in your presence. And friends, too.. Finding that would-be friends are into religion instantly pulls me back. Don’t care to waste the investment of friendship in a limited or eventual dead end.

And Canada ..damn. There, too? I’ve a network of like-minded folks I’d likely choose over family, perhaps it’s an opportunity to shed some deadwood and find some with a little pitch 🙂

Varn Level 8 Sep 8, 2018

Hi dear, I feel very bad for you, that you are going through this. I would just encourage you to continue reaching out to other intelligent open minded people for connection. People who are "spiritually evolved" are kind, caring, excepting people. Please take care and hang in there.


There are very strong religious groups up where I live but only very few try to convert me. Usually they wish that I believed as they do. Most of my friends I suspect don't have religious faiths. it is not a normal topic of conversation. Most of us hippies threw religion out with a host of other societal mores. just because it was has no bearing on whether it still is.

Most of us hippies threw religion out with a host of other societal mores.” This kid was paying close attention! along comes my generation, and just to be rebellious, the ‘I Found It’ campaign started up and many became little republicans ..ushering in the likes of reagan. Lonely time for this Atheist 😕

@Varn We were generally not good parents and many of our children turned to the right as we drifted off to the left. But we are mostly very well behaved as we respected each other.


How does one stand for one's "on tots"?

Seriously though, I catch your drift. I've been exceedingly lucky not to be otherized much for my beliefs. But then there's the meta-problem that it's easy to feel alienated in modern culture even apart from religious disagreements.


well, i would if i had been raised christian i suppose. since i was raised as a secular jew, it never even occurred to me to tell my folks when i realized there were no gods. it just didn't seem like something they'd be interested in. i am sure had i told them they'd have been okay with it, but it just never crossed my mind to bring it up.



Well no brainwashing here. There are many like-minded encouraging people around here.

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