This may sound strange coming from an atheist, but do ghosts come from the living or the dead? Don't let us make the same mistake that religion does and stop thinking. There are too many reports from honest people not to believe that something is happening. Read my profile and you will see that I had a similar experience, but went on to explain it using Dr Hoffman's work. I came to the conclusion (using science) that life is connected in the subconscious and that ability exists there. What this ability is for, I can only guess at. 'The balance in nature' is at the top of my list. We are an emotional species and 'ghosts' might be appropriate to our style of intelligence, (Giving purpose) it's another way of nature looking after its own. Without purpose an intelligent species could not exist. My guess is ghosts come from the living.
I have seen a couple of things I could not explain but seeing someone back from the dead isn't one of them, so I would have to say in my experience, 'Ghosts' in the traditional sense don't exist.
Let's just say that was possible. Why would only a select few be allowed to come back? In the dark? At a time and place where only one or two people might see them. Fully clothed (what would a Ghost need with clothes?) Never passing on anything even remotely useful.
They would all be able to come back and laugh at death. I'm not saying decent honest people haven't seen 'something' I just don't think it is what they believe it to be. Time slips from multiple universes maybe. The truth is I don't know what they are but phantoms of long deceased people is not the reason.
It's a romantic notion. A plot driver for a horror movie. An old wives tale to make naughty children behave. Everyone loves a good ghost story. It's in our psyche. I regularly dream I have done some mundane task only to discover (when it's too late) that I haven't done it. It freaks me out every time because I would pass a polygraph swearing on my fathers grave that I had done it.
there are so many levels of perception we are not privy to or may only be able to sense at levels that are of no real use to us its not surprising we make up stuff to explain certain phenomena infrasound is a good example. we all see the world from only 1 viewpoint ours then we add in our personal beliefs and the fact we are a very biddable lot probably why science can't convince believers no matter how strong the evidence
People seem determined to believe in magic and/or religion, conspiracy theory, ghosts, angels, spirits etc etc. I like scientific method based in evidence
Sensed presence. []
Ghosts aren't real, or at least there is no evidence for them. We have active imaginations.
Einstein taught us that all matter is a form of energy, so since energy can neither be created nor destroyed, we have always existed and will always exist in some energy form.
No reason to think energy souls or entities don't exist, and quantum physics already tells us different dimensions exist.
"For physicists, the distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion." -Einstein
There is a logical explanation for everything, it is just that we haven’t been able to figure it out. There are lots of things we don’t have the answers to yet, but possibly in the future all will be explained and comprehended. I personally don’t believe there are ghosts having never experienced anything I could call paranormal. I could possibly change my view if I did experience something myself but I doubt it. I think some people are more susceptible to suggestion than others.
We all are ghosts here and I am pretty sure we all are pretty much alive. You're welcome
Funny man
@Cutiebeauty I have been called way worst than that so, I'll take the win ?
my guess which is an educated one, is that ghosts come from neither the living nor the dead, since they do not exist. we give supernatural names to things we do not understand. language is like that. maybe we have no other word for ghost right now. that's tricky, though. ghost actually means something, and using it to explain something that is NOT what ghost means is at best confusing and at worst misleading. i'm not going to use the word ghost to define a hallucination, a funny feeling, something that looks ghostly but surely has an unghostly explanation, or any other real thing, because as ghosts are defined, there is no such thing.
Unless you have empirical evidence and some logic in your conclusions, it's belief in the paranormal that is closer to religion.
You have to realize that allegorical evidence is not evidence, and human perception, even if your honest people are honest, is not very reliable.
You don't have to start by getting evidence for 'ghosts; you have to start by getting evidence of ability in the subconscious. This will tell us that the subconscious is important in our evolving. The subconscious works 24/7 never stopping. Our consciousness works on average 16/7. In the greater scheme of things which seems the most important? Like all scientific knowledge we build from what we observe.
There is also an arguement that ghosts are nothing more than a "psychic impression" that replays over & over, usually created by emotionally traumatic events. Fun to think about. Infinite imagination.
Ghosts do not exist.
I agree, but energy exists.
@dodin you didn't ask about energy now did you?
@Cutiebeauty If ghosts exist they must be energy, everything is energy.
@dodin everything is not energy, what about matter? And you already agreed ghosts don't exist, ha!
@Cutiebeauty Matter is made of atoms; atoms are energy.
@dodin professor Matt Strassler doesn't agree that all matter is made from energy, and cites dark matter as an example .
@Cutiebeauty Nobody knows what dark matter or dark energy is; they could both be one of the same, but until we know, there is no way we can say what it is. How does Strassler demonstrate it? I have been looking this up for I don't know how many years.
@dodin he also cites common matter. He says that although there is energy in matter, it is not all energy. This is other stuff in matter besides energy. Google him, it's a large article
@Cutiebeauty Thank you, I will look him up.
@Cutiebeauty I have looked up Strassler. He admits he is just theorising. He mentions signals that were thought to be dark matter and tried underground experiments to capture them, but it failed miserably, he probably had signals from neutrinos which are just as elusive. At the end of his work he admits that dark matter is still a mystery, but given a few more years, it may be found.
@dodin OK then, good discussion! Peace. Thanks for at least hearing me out.
@Cutiebeauty Thanks for your interest. Strassler also mentions photons driving dark matter, he is taking a leaf out of Newton's constant 'mass times velocity' metaphorically not literally. Photons contain two or more atoms, the more atoms the higher the frequency; he is using frequency instead of velocity; the principal is the same, so he is thinking energy. If you come across this lack of energy again think of Einstein's equation-E=Mc squared All is energy. Thanks again for your interest.
Why do you think it is more likely that ghost actually exist than that they are a form of hallucination?
Please read my profile all is explained there.
All I can see in your profile is a different account of something you have no explaination for and where you immediately jump to conclusions without any justification. So I'd like to repeat my orgininal question: What makes you think your explanation is more likely than any other explanation that doesn't require supernatual stuff?
@Dietl The episode I write in my profile was witnessed by my wife and myself so what we experienced was coming from energy that lay dormant in the subconscious. This was because both my sons were asleep. Dr Hoffman's research which is factual and not theory leads to a connection of the species. The obvious explanation for my experience is this connection. The Monarch Butterfly migrates from North America in its millions. It travels to central Mexico and on its journey it goes through three generations before arriving. They are all connected, but I wonder if they realise it? Of course they don't, but we are far more advanced than the butterfly and therefore must be more inquisitive; too stop thinking is not an option.
"we experienced was coming from energy that lay dormant in the subconscious"
How do you know this is more likely than a shared psychisis or mass hallucination. Or there was really a noise that you both interpreted as your kids or your kids made the noises and then went back to bed and pretended to sleep. There are a million different explanations and you chose this one and my question, which you haven't answered in the slightest, is: Why?
The obvious explanation is not always the right one. The migration of the butterflies surely has a scientific explanation that doesn't involve a psychic connection between the insects. I'm willing to bet that haven't really studied what scientist say on this issue very deeply but were content with your simple explanation because it fit in your worldview or as you might put it, you stopped thinking.
Your argument that we must be more advanced than those butterflys is flawed, because it might very well be that they evolved some psychic ability which we have not. Not that I believe that until I see evidence for it but it is not impossible. Just as it is not impossible that all you are saying is correct, but we need a justification for that believe or else that would be irrational.
@Dietl Agreed. Energy can be measured. Different animals can sense different sorts of energy that we can only detect with specialist equipment. It does not make them psychic.
If there is no explanation, the correct deduction has to be "I don't know" not "I haven't got an explanation, so it must be supernatural"
I also reckon that if a living being left an 'energy' trace of itself behind when it died, it is unlikely that it would be wearing clothes, no energy/soul in manufactured clothing!
@Dietl I understand your confusion. My sons were heard getting out of their beds, w knew it was them, we had head them many times before. We heard them come into our room and stand at the side of our bed. The sounds they made were unmistakeable, they were my sons. You are right about the butterflies there is nothing supernatural about how they find their way over 2500 miles. It has something to do with the magnetic pull of the earth. The point I was making is that we to have a natural connection, but our connection cannot be the same, for we can adapt to most environments. Our connection however is for our survival and the food our survival needs is purpose.
I believe that you think you heard your children, but I know that the mind can play tricks on us, really realistic tricks. People who say they saw Jesus and spoke directly to him are not stupid. For them this experience might have been just as real as talking with another (actually existing) person. So what you have to ask yourself, even if you don't discuss it here is: Is it more likely that my mind played a trick on me (and my wife) or that there is some unexplored psychic connection or is there a different explanation?
I would suggest to test your hypothesis. If there is a connection as you describe it. Wouldn't you have to be able to feel this somehow under certain circumstances? Try to find out when and how you feel these things and try to be scientific about it and don't let what you want to believe influence your results.
What I also would like to know is, what was so special about those circumstances you describe that this supposed connection manifested in you and your wife hearing those noises. Can you hear your children on other occasions or was this a one time thing? Can you "tap into" this connection and control when you hear it? If so, does what you experience reflect reality in any way.
On a different note, how do you know that is really was your children playing. Maybe it was the ghosts of children living in your house before you. Maybe it wasn't connected to your children at all but this was just a connection between you and your wife. They were asleep and probably dreamt of something completely different.
You see even if it was something "supernatual" there are a million other explanations for what you experienced. I just don't see a justification for any of them at the moment. So why not first try to explain it with things that are known to exist like biases and psychological phenomena?
@Dietl Thanks for your reply. I suggest you look at Dr Hoffman's lecture, after digesting it and much thought I realised that the supernatural cannot exist; therefore the only explanation for my children's subconscious wanderings is a connection. When you say we should feel something when this happens, I don't know exactly what you mean. I believe we are all connected and we all experience things, but most are unaware. The subconscious works independently, we don't have any control over it. The reason I think why most of us don't appear to experience it is because, take a sample of our conscious life, we are all on different levels of ability. We can all do the same things 'academic or physical but we are all on different levels. If you apply this to the subconscious the same laws apply, but we can't see or measure its ability. The only way is the same way we measure in the universe, we have to look for patterns. This is what I did by getting rid of the supernatural.