The award goes to...
I appreciate this site, and the topics (some random ones should have been tagged NC-17...hard to make me blush...but you ladies did).
This is a temporary community, and I had given some thought as to its purpose. When the curtain falls...there will be few of us left to take bows to the applause.
The hardcore bloggers will be here. We are going to attain the coveted level-7. I think it will be something like passing thru to level "clear" with Scientologists...just without some greasy toolie blackmailing us with Manila folders and extorting millions of dollars from us.
Maybe we are going to be recruited. Our postings are collecting a flurry of hashtags. Enough hashtags linked together have to lead towards something...right?
...I like connecting to people without 'dogma'...just person to human person! That fits me!
Well I think I might stay for life. Of course if the greater western community becomes vast majority atheist/agnostic types then I imagine we will no longer be special in the freethinking sense, but we will have plenty of numbers to still be a dating site . By then I will have long been partnered...
Good luck...
@Freedompath must have found himself a partner. He hasn't been seen for three months.
@FrayedBear ha ha, let’s hope so..,it would be a strange world, if everyone ends up ‘unattached!’
I don't pay attention to hashtags. Temporary community why would you say that?
He's right because this sight is post-brand. Forums are dead media.
This is - to me - different than most forums. It's custom written code, so it has a different look and feel than the clumsy open-source forums everyone uses.
Temporary...why? I at first thought only singles were on this site, but after reading several posts and seeing individuals say "my wife says..." gives me hope that I too can one day say "my better half says..."!
I support you in your search...there is someone, it is always in the timing...
@Freedompath the meantime...having great fun.
@Nena ...that means you win...regardless!
@Freedompath Thanks for the reminder! Love this community.
think just logging onto a forum and not having to hear about how great Nuber 45 is or how I am going to hell for not going to church is all the reward anyone needs. Some online friends might potentially become real-life friends or spouses. I saw that all of the time during my on-line gaming frenzy with Everquest several years ago.What could be more valuable than that?