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I suppose at his age, he does not care whether he is rescued or not. But he is endangering the emergency personnel lives if he needs help.

GreatNani 8 Sep 13

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I don't think it is selfish or stupid. Some people choose to stay and some people choose to help those who stay. No one is forcing anyone into helping someone else, they do it because that's what they want to do. If not for people like him, the people who want to save people won't have people to save.

Tell you what though, we seem to be lucking out with this one. I am in an area that could have been hit hard, not so much now. Makes me think Mother Nature is being like an annoying bully who fake punches someone before actually beating them up. There are more brewing..

If it weren't for my daughter, I'd more than likely stay. I'm an observer, I find more interest than fear in these types of things.


I think it is selfish!


This sounds cold, but I think the mayor should announce that the lives of first responders will not be jeopardized to help hold-outs --- that they're on their own. I think some might leave then. As to the rest -- if you do something stupid sometimes you get killed.


Or , having ridden out all those previous major storms , he's secure in his knowledge of the level of the land his place sits upon , and the strength if his building , whereas he may not be confident in reaching a safe place to shelter , and paying the price for staying there and eating all is meals out , IF he can find a resturant that's actually still open .


I can relate.


Some of those tough old people just don't want to have the hassle of locking up and leaving their nest.

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