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I think most people on here and in life in general have a different mindset to myself, as they probably do not have to contend with being treated like shit every day of their life, so that must impact on my general thinking!

melmothabc 4 Sep 14

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Perhaps some of it may have to do with the way you think? If not, is there some way you can remove yourself from the situation, even make a start? Without knowing more details I can't say more, but most of the time the situations we find ourselves in are as much if not more about how we deal with them than they are the situations themselves.


You need to seek out someone positive to talk to. Preferably a professional counsellor.


You may have some mental health issues that affect your perception of the way you are treated. If you seek change, you need to make change. Therapy might be useful.

UUNJ Level 8 Sep 14, 2018

@melmothabc I don’t think it’s always once and done thing.


I'm not aware of very many people who've had an exceptionally happy life, or who haven't been treated like shit... I'm not one of those who believes "life is what you make it," but there are some things we can control, and some we can't. The trick is to know the difference.


It is common and how you handle it is what makes a difference in how you are perceived.


it could also be the other way around. you general thinking does not make people treat you like shit but it allows them to do so. also since you have not been specific, we cannot begin to understand whether you are trapped or have an out. (without a clue as to what you are going through, we also cannot confirm or deny your assertion that you're different from most people here because of it; people have to contend with all kinds of things.)


@melmothabc then don't play them. you have not mentioned or described mind games, just referred to them, whatever they are, at the end. if you live at home, find a way to leave. it is better to be alone than to be lonely among those who don't care about you. solitude does not have to be lonely. maybe your brother will help you if it is difficult to leave. everyone leaves home eventually! if you're not at home, you've made a start already. you look, from your picture, like an adult. i do have a suggestion: instead of thinking, whom will i find who likes me, think, whom will i find whom i like? there is a teeny weeny little mindset change that may help, and won't be too painful!

i see from your responses to other that you DO assume others others have it easy; you told one person she had it easy for 75 years until she corrected your misapprehension. lots and lots of people have had it hard. everyone has it hard in a different way. i'm not saying you don't; i'm saying you call yourself powerless but you know what? i am disabled, stuck in a house i don't own, with a guy i happen to love but who is deteriorating before my eyes because of alzheimer's, among other ailments, and monday i find out whether or not i have cancer. we can't afford to move but we may be homeless soon because we don't have enough income (just social security and food stamps) to stay, but we have nowhere to go. and we have to figure out what to do about it. we feel pretty powerless but we are NOT powerless, and if we think of ourselves as powerless, we won't do ANYTHING to help ourselves. we are not sure what we CAN do but what little things we thing of we sure as hell as doing.

you do have the power to formulate a plan. make it a little plan. make it a bunch of little plans. if your plan is to go to the moon, you won't make it. if your plan is to go to the store on a certain day, and have a cup of tea at a certain hour, you WILL make it. once you have the small plans in place you can expand. it will get you used to formulating and implementing plans. it is not shameful to get help with the difficult ones. i have a shrink. lots of people have them. thing is, after you get to know one another, instead of going round and round in circles about being powerless, ask him to help you harness the power you DO have.

and you cannot change other people's mindset. you just can't. it isn't your job anyway.

i hope this helps, even if only a little.



There must be some sort of payoff then, for you to subject yourself to such treatment. Otherwise, why do it ? Why ?

@melmothabc Did anyone ever?

@melmothabc Yes - it is life, and YOU decide which direction it goes in - no one else.

@melmothabc Not my experience at all. But since your outlook is so very dismal - you're correct - regarding yourself anyway.


Woe is me...


Why are you allowing yourself to be treated like shit every day of your life? That is the question....

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