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I have really enjoyed I had an interesting experience, I respond to people post on topics that speak to me. This site felt safe and secure . I recently wrote someone from my hometown recently and asked about my old neighborhood. They responded they felt uncomfortable responding with geographic answers.

It's sad that a woman has to be concerned for her safety talking on this or any site . Makes me sad that the us isnt safe to just talk.

Bigwavedave 8 Sep 14

Enjoy being online again!

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Her caution might not have been learned at THIS site. I know most of my lessons came from OKC. Who knows, maybe you had the unfortunate luck to ask about HER neighborhood and freaked her out.

Zster Level 8 Sep 15, 2018

I guess so . It was just a comment, I'm sure it's from her experiences. I guess that's the sad part.


I’m usually good at spotting scammers and weirdo’s. I’m surprised her radar went off from talking to you because you’re a good guy. Hmmm, maybe she’s had a bad experience and is now very cautious?

I think so. It's fine, I won't ask any more questions about my old neighborhood .. or about anything else. 🙂


It's not the same for women as it is for men.
We usually are safer to assume ALL men are potential predators, and to make sure they don't get a lock on our locations.

That's exactly how she was feeling.

@Bigwavedave It's not our imaginations, but from experience.

I was sexually assaulted on a second date by the 6' former Marine nephew of a church friend when I made the mistake of parking my car at his house and riding with him to the movies.

I've been attacked by doctors in their offices, married Haiti missionary men, people at work, etc. I learned Karate, carried weapons, kicked for the groin, screamed bloody murder, and reported them.

Men don't have to worry about women attacking them for sex. Most cis hetero women think strange men's parts are disgusting and most only learn to like a few men that way in their lifetimes.


Sorry to hear that.... 😟

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