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Regarding God's Creation

*Fairy Tale #1: In the Beginning.

So if I get this right, God (Mr. Yahweh) created the Universe 13.8 billion years ago but eventually got tired and bored with it. Fast forward to some 4.5 billion years ago and He added to His real estate empire by creating The Earth (as well as the Sun and the rest of the solar system). Ultimately He got bored with this hunk of sterile rock and so some 4 billion years ago He created little microbes for His amusement, but ultimately after a few billion years He got bored with them too - they weren't very good company or worshipers. So some 500 - 600 million years ago He upped the ante and created multi-cellular critters, and then other types of multicellular critters, etc., etc., etc, all of which also proved to be rather indifferent company and didn't worship Him either. What a bummer! Then at long, long, long last comes His "Eureka" moment (several million years ago) and He created those primate 'humans' and ultimately evolved them into modern humans some 200,000 years ago. Bad mistake! To make a long temporal story even longer, He almost immediately thereafter regretted His creation of humans (and of multicellular critters too) and drowned nearly the whole lot of them. So much for His omniscience!

So it takes God a minimum of 13.8 billion years to get around to creating (and then nearly destroying) the alleged pinnacle of His creation (i.e. - us). How likely is that scenario? Damned unlikely for a real deity!

*Fairy Tale #2: Once Upon A Time.

So here we have anthropological / archaeological evidence of human religious and spiritual beliefs extending back at least 50,000 years as documented by evidence of actual grave goods buried along with humans suggestive of belief in an afterlife, among other lines of evidence. Fast forward now some 45,000 years later on down the track and all of a sudden Mr. Yahweh makes His grand entrance, albeit to a rather small and uneducated audience.

"So here I am folks, I'm Mr. Big" [at least in terms of ego]. "I'm your One True God and you will have no other gods before Me - or else!" Further, Mr. Yahweh only gives His big "I Exist" statement to a tiny band of rather primitive goat / sheep herders in just one tiny geographical part of the inhabited world instead of broadcasting His "I exist" to all peoples in all societies in all inhabited geographical areas (including the Americas, Australia and Asia). Of course at that time He made no mention of His soon to be sidekick and Right-Hand Man, Jesus. What utter pure bovine fertilizer derived nonsense! So come on, let's get really real here - this is story-telling, just myths and fairy tales presented for humans by humans and at that time a very select group of humans at that.

johnprytz 7 Sep 15

Enjoy being online again!

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The Mystery Diety....Sittin' around by hisself for 13,800,000,000 years and never got bored or lonely

twill Level 7 Sep 15, 2018

Good summation?

0 profile photo, written bio, or profile questions answered. Kind of creepy...


Seriously? You actually think that religious people are basing their faith on facts, or that they actually READ, or think?


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