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I have blocked my third user. wow, i feel so advanced! i disagreed with someone and said why. his response was to tell me i sounded like a kavanaugh defender, which was off the wall APART from the fact that i hate kavanaugh. it was off the wall because what we'd been discussing bore no resemblance to that issue at all, not even metaphorically. it was just one of those many times someone you disagree with decides to insult you by telling you how you probably voted, or guesses your weight. it's ridiculous and rude and i decided to block him. so there.


genessa 8 Sep 15

Enjoy being online again!

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Rookie. My block list is triple digits.


I don't know why some people need to be so sensitive. I just scroll past if it makes me mad. The only time I ever blocked anyone was on FB. I did that for legal reasons tho.

@JustKip I kind of get you there. Me, I just scroll if I think it's start a pissing match.

@TheGreatShadow i have the same reason and it's not working. i may or may not still get notified (too early to tell) but the posts that led me to block are still there, and i can still see profiles of blocked people. i know the admin explanation does not mention being unable to see the profile, but it does indicate that we couldn't see each other's posts, and yet there they are. so now i am disgruntled.



I have a hyper sensitive troll alert and tend to block early rather than engage further. It just keeps it fun and interesting, which is why I'm here or in any community type space online.

I don't always though. Sometimes I just get a sense that there's a reason not to block in there somewhere.

yeah it's a fine line, isn't it? i usually hang on longer than i should. i was pretty fast with the one i blocked tonight. i don't waste my time on people who call me names.



psshhhht amateur up to 19 now though to be fair 5 or 6 are blocked purely because i thought they were scammers 3 are blocked because their content just didnt interest me and the rest are blocked because lifes short and im fairly bad at arguing so rather than get personal save us both the trouble and avoid a situation where i end up feeling bad and regretting saying something 😛

lol i AM an amateur, or at least a noob. i forget whether i've been here a whole week yet.


wow i just checked. i've been here almost two weeks! how time flies! i wasn't even sure if it'd been ONE week yet!



It reminds me of talking Trump but his supporters cannot talk Trump. All you get back is Hillary and Obama. I even had one go into great lengths about AIG at one point. I had no idea what he was talking about. Isn't that an insurance company?

last time i looked it was! weirder and weirder. yeah, the old change-the-subject ploy. if you don't know what you're talking about, attack someone, quick! they do that.



whatever floats your personal boat !

it would float my boat not to have to block anyone. i am interested in opinions, even those that differ from mine. i am less interested in pugnacity, rudeness and false assumptions (even false accusations). i didn't block these people for pleasure. i blocked them so they would not interfere with my enjoyment of this site.


@genessa No need to justify blocking. The option is there for a reason - and some folks earn it. Ha

@evergreen i'm not trying to justify it! i was just responding to what i thought was your implication that it might give me some kind of pleasure to block people.


@genessa nope - I said what I meant - no underlying anything ... carry on !

@evergreen as always 🙂)



You have to do what feels right. And honestly, why put up with the crazy. He sounds off!

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