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The Editorial Board Opinion

patchoullijulie 8 Sep 16

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Just in case some of you are not aware, Costco is much cheaper on drugs, You don't need to be a member to use pharma


That's what's great about medicine in Thailand. Because they have universal medicine, those types of bribes don't figure in.

Right. That is the reason it is so hard to get universal in here. There is too much at stake for the pharma's and medically related industries.


Even generics are overpriced because compared to the cost of name brands, the generics seem cheap. It’s all and illusion of marketing.


If it hadn't been for what appears to be good journalism, this probably would have just gone unnoticed.


So much money is involved that corruption is inevitable

True but it seems to be out of control.

@patchoullijulie That's why a single payer system is so important

@steve148 Absolutely but it is because of the corruption that it won't happen any time soon. They will fight tooth and nail to keep the current system in place.

@patchoullijulie The only hope is that Dems take both houses


I read an article recently, that said. There are represnitives from joint replacement company's in the actual O.R., to make sure that the doctor's use there products. Products that have a 1/3 less lifespan and cost quite a bit more.

Howdy Pardner 🙂 This would not surprise me at all. The Pharma's and medically related industries have a lot to answer for. Not to mention the governmental agencies that have fallen down on their job and are in cahoots with the same industries. None of it is good. 😟

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