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Been feeling a bit lonely lately. I know that is foolish as I have my wonderful wife and I am socially awkward, but I miss having friends. Not, that I guess looking back on it, that I ever actually had. I have had acquaintances but I have always been just a bit different and open minded for those I grew up with and those few that I have an actual friendship with live several li states away.

Sorry. Just feeling sorry for myself and throwing a pity party.

KDrake 5 Sep 16

Enjoy being online again!

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Maybe you'll make some like-minded friends here.


There's a difference between feeling sad, and throwing a pity party. This looks like feeling sad... It's okay to feel sad. We're meant to "need" others. While I'm agnostic, I welcome all ideas that seem "real." And Rumi says: The cure for pain is in the pain... I think he's right. We face that struggle head-on... and see where it leads us.


Are you new to your neighborhood? I have an idea...see if there's a Humanist organization near you. You'll find lots of new friends there...and they're not religious! Yayyy!

Nearest one is 300 miles away. I wish there was one here.

@KDrake Well, that's difficult! Have you thought about writing to that Humanist group and asking if they've any suggestions?


If you have friends in other states, emulate them where you live.

UUNJ Level 8 Sep 16, 2018

You can have anything you want. The catch is you have to invest yourself into it. I’ll bet you are a quite likable person, and there is probably no reason why everyone wouldn’t love you. Want a friend, be a friend.

I like to think that I am an excellent friend. I always try to think of the other person, be there when they are in need, lend a shoulder when try need to cry or vent, help in any way I can, listen and be thoughtful. It just never seems to be returned.

I know that everyone is busy and caught up in their own life, but I can't be the only one that likes an occasional intelligent conversation.

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