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Well, folkses. I had all sorts of people giving me the panics about the storm. Comparisons to hurricanes I never heard before and all. I resisted the urge to buy candles and prayer cloths, and the closest thing to provisions I stocked up on was premium ramen and beer.

And well. From where we were, it was a light rain for two days. The wind was normal. And we never lost power or internet.

Counting blessings today, and hoping all my friends and people I don't know got through pretty well.

For some screwed up reason, my work in Augusta (which was FARTHER away from the storm, at least by an hour and half) is without water this morning, and that sucks because I need to go potty.

I hope people got through this and the new day brings better tidings.

onlyduh 7 Sep 17

Enjoy being online again!

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Hurricanes are like people, random chaos rules. You cannot assume anyting .The first time I didn't take a hurricane seriously was Hurricane Fran. Fran wiped out the state of North Carolina for a long time. It's better to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Here in Raleigh we fared very well. Areas close to me are underwater.

@onlyduh same thing here in Raleigh, luck was on our side. It rained in some form or fashion for 4 days straight. We definitely avoided the worst. The rain here was the most dangerous aspect of this hurricane. They began measuring rainfall in feet not inches for some parts of North Carolina. We began letting some people into parts of North Carolina however many of the rivers are still expected to overflow.


As of Saturday, there have been 7 deaths from Florence. Perhaps they were non-drinkers and/or Ramen consumers and just made a wrong choice to stock up on. Glad your area was little affected and you are OK.


Count yourself lucky (I think)

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