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They should make a profile description option for "antihumanist"... Cuz I fucking hate people. XD

Auty89 6 Sep 17

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I can tolerate a lot but it’s when I have to get out in Denver Traffic?


So this would be a private group dedicated to misanthropic conversation? Everyone comes in to express their hatred of each other? It could be fun, in theory.

Yes absolutely no optimism allowed


Who is "they"? ...... Since you have already said you hate everyone, that's cool just no need to remind me again. Just curious on who they might be.... Just for kicks

Fuck, that was a lot of "just"... beats me. Anyhow, forgot to add, I get it's a joke or dark sarcasm or whatever, it's funny ?

By "they" I meant to whomever it may concern who makes the profile options on this site.

@Auty89 ahh...not my brightest day !!!! Oh well ..... you probably will hate me even more 'cause now my fiasco just made me laugh !! (Thx for the clarification though )

Well, in this context, I would be referring to the people in charge of this website.


You hate all people? Sad way to live.

I refuse to let a few bad men destroy my opinion of half of the human race.

Meh. I guess I wouldn't say I hate ALL people. Just people in general.

You're right, that's not fair, that's why I've lost faith in the entire human race.

@Auty89 me too, I dislike the human Animal, but I do not hate all individuals. I even find some individuals beautiful Inside and out. I support many causes that benefit the human animal, but do I have hope the world will become a better place? no, absolutely not never


Why do you say you "hate people in general"? That's the same as hating all people.

@LiterateHiker, no it isn't. Generally, when people say "in general," it refers to a majority of the time, but does give some room for exception.


I agree! Let's start a misanthropist unite group

Great idea! You wanna make it?


@Auty89 I'm seriously thinking about it.

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