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Duke 8 Jan 25

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not a subscriber couldnt read it

Oh wow. Sorry about that. I'm not a subscriber either but, I think they give a few articles free each month and I haven't hit the limit yet so, I was able to see it. I'll keep that in mind for future posts though and look for a different source to post here.


I haven't looked at that clock in forever (good think I looked 'l' key is not working well due to cat claws on the keyboard....that would have been an awkward sentence...hehe). Are we dead yet?



2 minutes till... we still have a ways to go. It will get to 15 seconds till as sone as all countries want the use if atomic power plants. That's spooky...

I remember thinking, as a kid, that nuclear power plants would be an obsolete concept by the 21 century....what is wrong with us...haha....and then some douchebag slaps a tariff on solar power cells....well, there you go...haha. Ugh.

@JohnnyThorazine. Your so right brother... he is just that.

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