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I'll just leave this here for those folks that like to greet you with a dick pic...

PirateNinja 4 Sep 19

Enjoy being online again!

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I like that... only I'd put it at more than 90%, not just three fourths.


I just wish it were big enough for me to make my own fun... I mean... that's what a friend told me.


I am reminded of an old joke. A professor was discussing phallic symbols what the class and some seemed confused by the meaning so he dropped his pants and stated, this is a phallic symbol. A female student replied, you mean like a dick only smaller.


I still think the best reaction to dick pics, as used by at least one user on this site, is "OK, I usually report dick pics immediately. However, in this case I need to inform you I am an oncologist at <insert the name of a local hospital here> and in my professional opinion the <insert name of some feature of the organ in question here> looks very much like it has been caused by advanced squamous cell cancer. I'm not going to take this any further this time, but I urge you to make an appointment to see your doctor as soon as possible." 😀

Jnei Level 8 Sep 19, 2018
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