Somebody is asking why white Americans are not called European Americans just as it is with African Americans, Native Americans, Pacific Islanders?
I’m technically Scottish. Irish. Italian. Small touch of black and Indian. And few other things. But I’m whiter than snow. We are called white Americans because that is what we are. People are just turning it into a bad thing because we are the face of what everyone wants to hate on.
Because Caucasians are the "master race" and no other race matters, of course. Just ask Trump and his followers.
Oh cmon.
I am very very white. Blonde haired blue-eyed white. But I am not European, at least not any substantial majority.
White is a broad and generalized term. The descriptions are meant to be a politically correct way to confer a region a person is from. Native Americans and Pacific Islanders are pretty self-explanatory. African Americans get a little bit hazier....but the original idea behind it was to give a sense of belonging to a group that was forcibly relocated and often didn't know where they were from (not all black people originate from Africa). Since white people span the western hemisphere in origin, and not all are of European decent, the term stays broad.