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I am not sure what I expected when I joined this site. I have only been here for a couple of days so far, so I have not come to any hard conclusions as of yet.
However, I am mildly disappointed. I guess I assumed there would be loads of intellectual stimulating conversations. So far it seems that many of opinions and beliefs here are just as wacky as the religious world. I’ve also have read many posts and topics that have been biased and racists in nature. So far I’m disappointed, hopefully I’ll find some different topics.

darthfaja 7 Sep 20

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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Ah... I see ??



You really need to feel your way around before jumping to conclusions. Check out the different categories and groups, find the ones that interest you and disregard the rest. Yes, there are people here with all sorts of views, just like any place else, but for the most part it's a good group. Took me some time to find my footing.


Obviously this site is shit !
Im only keeping the app out of curiosity to see how many years it takes till the first female who lives within dating distance appears here .
I joined about 3 months ago and so far theres been none closer than 100 miles and she was a xian psychobitch from hell , ha .
Obviously the site either doesnt want to succeed or doesnt have a fucking clue how to !

You're going to hell pervert lol


Might I add, you're mildly disappointing as well. As has been pointed out, this is your sole post - and it's a whine. You've contributed nothing and expect satisfaction in return. Try upping your game before you complain of others'.

Super harsh ? but accurate ?


No one is forcing you to stay.
While this site may not be your cup of tea, it fills a need for thousands of others.
You have free will to start your own site and make it what you want.
YOU and you alone are responsible for your own happiness and satisfaction.

PS--- THIS IS YOUR ONLY POST. hahahahahahahahaha
You can't even practice what you demand of others.
Why don't YOU post the start of 50 intellectually stimulating conversations and then get back to us.


You should browse all the groups, you will find Philosophy groups and other cerebrally challenging groups if you look. Some people like more light hearted don’t need to get involved in what you perceive as biased or racist discussions. We are a very broad church and are tolerant of opinions as long as they are respectful, the one thing binding us is a disbelief in the existence of god or gods. I suggest you haven’t really been here long enough to much such a sweeping statement of condemnation.


Dude what are you looking for. Are you assuming that being atheist is something to be in a cave or something. We do have lives outside of this site and a since of humor. Ok we're atheist, but don't you think it'll be boring as fuck to talk about the same shit. I might as well take back the kind things I say about organized religion ( you're stupid as fuck if you believe that I'll say anything kind about organized religion ) a lot of the new comers to this is looking at it as a dating site, and believe me they don't last here very long. I'm not necessarily saying you won't find someone you're interested in, but if you're on that being on philosophy shit. Then good for you and if or you run into someone like me that is sarcastic ( in which many of us are on here ) don't feel but hurt. Just saying

Qiru Level 6 Sep 21, 2018

I didn’t realize this was a possible dating site until I joined.
What I assumed was that I would find a vastly superior intellect here. Replies such as your response are what I am referring to.
Appreciate the feedback.

@darthfaja go read the bible or something, you sound confused

@Qiru your wit is overwhelming.

@darthfaja thank you


There are some pretty intellectual posters here. If you stick around you will get to know them. There is also some fluff. It's a nice mix.

Sounds great! Looking forward to find my way around!


atheists are just people, and people are... just people.



No shortage of screwballs on this site, for sure...


I also am rather new... And noticing a few trends I don't like.
I hope I am just missing something ??

Just be yourself, this isn't a church, so you don't have to pretend here


Are you exploring the groups or just reading the general hellos? Maybe there is an interest group you’ll enjoy.

UUNJ Level 8 Sep 20, 2018
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