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I've had all but two. How about you?

ronin73 7 Sep 22

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I will eat Anything as long as it's pork or chicken exterior muscle meat LOL


Hard to see why eating animals is something to brag about. Now, someone with a healthy, organic diet, who avoids eating much meat and/or eats a sustainable substitute, like insect powder, is more my hero,

I really tried to go without meat of some form and I ACHED, my joints were so sore! I dreamed of hambergers. It all stopped when I caved in and made a meatloaf. I'd eat the insect protein but right now pound to dollars cost I can't do it.
We have to take into account everyone is different but boosting about it is not good. Those pics of the trump boys and their trophies makes me want to shoot THEM.

@silverotter11 I have to eat meat also..sardines daily for the Omega-3 oil. I don't eat other kinds of meat because my body reacts badly with arthritis, congestion, heart palpations, etc.

But I avoid meat also because factory farming is a disgrace and animal abuse.

@birdingnut I hear ya!! Eastern Wa is hay and cattle. There are a couple of CAFO's and one is sucking the aquifer dry - grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. The polution is terrible. I too avoid the stuff that triggers inflamation.

Because we're omnivores we're designed to eat meat and we're healthier when we eat meat I run a landscape maintenance business and every time I hired someone who was a vegetarian they couldn't do the job they simply did not have the energy reserves to do it so I understand how people are down with killing animals but I could not imagine living without meat


The only one I haven't had is lamb, but I've had mutton which is just the adult version so sort of all of them plus a few unlisted varieties. Raccoon, goose, squirrel, trout, dove, gopher, and several types of lizards and invertebrates come to mind quick.

Byrd Level 7 Sep 23, 2018
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