How do you all recognize design?
if it's alive, it hasn't been designed (stuff like designer dog-breeding notwithstanding). rocks can be carved but if they're not on mount rushmore and don't have a signature or a plaque, they're probably not designed lol. if the hedge looks like a cat it's been trimmed but the hedge itself wasn't designed. if it's a chair, it was designed. birds design birds' nests but birds are not designed. beaver dams are harder to recognize but if you see beavers around you can guess.
Your question needs to be more specific to be properly answered. Are you speaking of creation teachings? What do you mean by recognition, and does that mean your interpretation or does that includes mistaken assumptions?
when you discuss something like a watch, or a house, then we recognize that it was built by people because we grow up knowing it was built by people. we don't "recognize" that it was designed. we just know. when we discuss things outside of our experience, we recognize elements of it that are consistent with design we are familiar with.
since there is no possible way this post isn't about religion, the way we recognize something is "designed" is that it conflicts with our experience of things that aren't. in order for that to be true, we must acknowledge knowing that natural things do not actually have the same elements as designed things. if we were to accept that we think things in nature are "designed", we would not be able to distinguish things that are designed from them.
I don't understand.
Do you mean design as in "intelligent design" theories?
it's an attempt to get someone to say something about the elements of design so that a fallacious argument can be applied equating it to the natural world.
the most common is "form and function", to which point they will talk about how plant life is perfectly fit to be food for humans, or some other such nonsense, because they cannot grasp "developed due to natural forces" and "design" are different things.
by their logic, river banks are designed because they are perfectly fit to contain the rivers flowing through them.
@HereticSin Ok. Then I agree with you; and I don't have anything important to add to your comments.
by being taught the mechanics of design. infants actually don't recognize it, and primitive people have been known to confuse modern technology with magic on numerous occasions, because they were not exposed to the elements of design common to the technology.