10 8

Just read an interesting factoid and some supporting thoughts on why this is:
The Millennial generation is causing the divorce rate to drop. Those that choose to marry are apparently staying together. Possible reasons listed include; Marrying later in life (past 25), A higher education level for women (lots of college degrees), No children prior to marriage. An interesting trend, in my opinion.

bigpawbullets 9 Sep 26

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One decent thing coming from that generation I suppose...


We married at 21 and are still together after 59 years.No kids before marriage both had degrees we just loved each other from the beginning and still today.


When I graduated from High School in 1965( I know,Ancient times),the Senior High girls were sporting engagement rings and some were already pregnant. The rush to produce kids was all consuming. Gee,I wonder where they are now? I would hope many are still together,but the divorce rate was extremely high then.


I, too, read that. They also are choosing to have less children. There may be a more sinister reason behind this as well: they are one of the poorest, even if better educated generations, in many years, so becoming a team is a way to better survive.

Good point. I'm going to leave the "sinister" comment alone.

3 is interesting and a positive. Both of my sons got married within the past couple of months. Both couples lived together before marriage; all of them are educated. One couple met on line (just sayin'😉.


Fewer marriages = fewer divorces I would imagine

I agree.
The figure was a percentage as opposed to actual numbers. But your comment makes perfect sense.


I would assume part of it is that less are getting married.. so the ones that do are really sure about it..


Isn't birth rates also decreasing?

So, lower divorce rates and lower birth rates? ?

I'm not sure Nichole. The article I glanced at was about divorce rates only. But I'd not be surprised.


I would think that people that have already cohabited for a period of time and know each other well will have a much better chance of staying together that kids that get married for the purpose of having sex. Yes, all your arguments make sense.

gearl Level 8 Sep 26, 2018

premarital cohabitation is probably also a factor.

That sounds reasonable.

My thought as well...

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