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My middle child hit 25 last week and I quickly did the gift shopping and picked out the card (gift cards are universally bad!) and got it all in the mail in time. The ex contacted my wife to compliment her on the thoughtful gifts that all seemed to hit the right notes. At first, I was pissed that someone else was getting credit for my efforts, but then decided to interpret it as I did SUCH a good job, I was mistaken for her.

Clearly compliments can be heavily dependent on interpretation. What are some that can easily be misinterpreted?

This tastes really good! Did you make this?
That color is so slimming on you!

chalupacabre 8 Sep 26

Enjoy being online again!

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You look so much younger today.

I think you lost some weight.

It's great you read that book, it's so thick.


wow, you look almost human today!


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