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Just something I was thinking about.
And yes, I know it's a silly question. but meh, I am bored.

Are you usually attracted more to good guys/girls. or bad guys/girls.
Submissive, or Dominate.
Or do you like something in between.
Or all the above?.

A little Jim Jeffries on the mater.
Pretty funny.

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TristanNuvo 8 Sep 27

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i prefer the real thing; sarcasm doesn't cover that.


i find kindness and intelligence, along with a refusal to play head games (as opposed to mind games) a very attractive combination.



Good and bad are subjective.


My attraction to "bad boys" is why I'm single. Again.

Deb57 Level 8 Sep 27, 2018

And Metallica takes the stage now..... "it doesn't matter" (anymore, anyway)


I used to like the bad boys but the only thing that got me was in a lot of trouble. Since college, I've been attracted to the good guys, the smart ones (usually smarter than me), the geeks.

I'm like that with every one, friends, and SO.
I like to be around smart people, I love to learn something new.

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