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I don't know if this is true or not, but it's funny as hell.

VelociraptorRemy 6 Sep 27

Enjoy being online again!

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Amen to that, and pass the TP!


They were finally good for something.


When I stay at a hotel/motel one of the first things I do is throw that mother in the garbage!

Kerry (former drummer for Tyr) told me a cool story when he was on tour. Him and a Black Metal band had to share rooms (can't remember the name of the band tho). Anyways he said that this guy took the bible into the bathroom, ejaculated over it, and put it back in the draw! That's class. lol

I want to print up warning labels for them.

@ldheinz Like the disclaimer saying evolutions is only a theory? Don't waste your money. Toss them in the trash...

I autograph them "God" and let the readers figure it out for themselves.

@TheGreatShadow, that just gets them replaced. I want to give them the moral dilemma of throwing them in the trash.

Not a bad idea, @SageDave.

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