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It seems that right wing Christians are rewriting history by claiming our founding fathers wanted a Christian nation. I don't see that with the Treaty of Tripoli, Jefferson's letter to Baptists, and their disbelief in the gospel stories.

Dogpound9 6 Jan 28

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They never give up. First, the Pledge of Allegiance with "under God", then the replacing of E Pluribus Unum" with "In God We Trust." They never back down, back up, or honor their promises. Its just take, take, and take some more. For them, all of it is not enough.


Cherry picking, distorting, creatively interpreting, omitting...

If you're doing it with the inerrant word of God, doing it with American history should be a snap.


Everything about religion of any stripe is simply delusional.


This country was founded under the fact that religions and state was to be separated and nothing about Christianity being the only religion welcome here because this is a free country which means we are free to practice any religion we wish as well speak freely. Yet it seems the government is trying to go against what the founding fathers wanted for us in the first place.


That assertion by the Christian right is an outright lie. Both the signers of the Declaration of Independence and of the US Constitution were deists and a number were agnostics or atheists. Overall, they were the practical men who were needed to do the job, not religious true believers.

@TheMiddleWay" None of their writings of the time support this assertion" -- simply not true! You attack my assertion by making a false assertion. If you are going to attack, the burden of proof is on you. I see no proof. And, incidentally, I studied American intellectual history while in graduate school.


That assertion by the Christian right is an outright lie. Both the signers of the Declaration of Independence and of the US Constitution were deists and a number were agnostics or atheists.


They can try but they will not succeed.

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