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Question, Was there one deciding event/factor that occurred in your life that made you become a non believer, or was it an accrued, compilation of things? Or were you born into a none believing family?

malibu64 4 Oct 2

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My family is United Methodist and just general Christians. Of course I was dragged to church as a child, but I never felt like the belief was right. My mother is schizophrenic and that taught me to be skeptical of everything, even my own thoughts. So I'd say I was about 5 when I felt like God was no different than any other fantasy created by man. The church eventually asked my grandparents to stop bringing me as they could tell it just wasn't sinking in and I questioned too much.


I got suckered in to the LDS for a number of years, thinking my way out of that cult opened my mind to doubt of religion as a whole, that which worked to discredit Mormonism, worked for religion as a whole.
I will never fall in to the talon grip of irrationality ever again.

I mentioned in an earlier post, that one of my moments was when the elder in our church informed me that I would not be allowed to be married in the Mormon church, if I insisted on my best friend who was black was in the wedding party. He suggested having him help serve the meal LOL See ya Mormans

@malibu64 []


I was eight and was questioning the counselors at bible camp about faith. I wasn’t satisfied with the answers and my doubt grew from there. Left the church by 13 and became agnostic transitioned to atheist by time I was 20ish.


Born into a non believing family.


born into a non believing family - I was born 1948 and they were thankful that they all survived I had a father who was a spitfire pilot mother welder o the dockfront at Millwall an uncle in the desert grandfather in the nuclear testing works cousins in the navy big family can't name them all but all of them came back atheist I don't know if they were before but it took some time for them to accept the peace and begin again and they didnt begin again with another god after their experiences


it was silly. i was raised in a secular jewish household. we didn't really talk about religion, though sometimes we talked about jewishness, as in ethnic identity (a phrase that didn't exist yet). my folks didn't like rock n roll and decided that long-haired boys were dirty and rebellious. i discovered that this wasn't necessarily so and decided that if i'd been wrong to accept that without question, there might be other beliefs/opinions i held that weren't true either. i examined everything i held as true and god went right out the window. easy peasy. no trauma, though a bit of a surprise. i was 15.


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