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Important to consider.

jlynn37 8 Oct 2

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Thank you, exactly right


...I see the factual point;Thanks for posting;repercussions
are so destructive.Other cultures are fighting
this same problem-can't we take a page
from success stories/the problem seems
to morph with time.The victims are
the real loss the country is suffering.!!!


TY for posting. I have heard this before!! It is time to put the responsibility where it belongs. Rape is not about sex. Rape is about an anger, fear and or resentment. It's about control and dominance. Men/boys are raped also, most of these go unreported the same as for women under reporting.
In a male dominated society women get blamed even though they are the victim. It will only change when we demand the men in the room STOP blaming the victim and stop talking down to women.
Speaking of; someone needs to put trump in his place, in public NOW. The way he treated the female reporter was disgusting. The fact ALL the people just stood there and said NOTHINg or did not walk out is part of the problem.


Wow that was really well said! I know we need to shift this victimization of women into action against the cause of it. Boys are not raised to take responsibility for their actions. Example: The football captain rapes a girl then it's her fault for ruining his life, and this must be ok with society in general. These stories are in the news daily, a boy beats someone and he's not to blame, no it's society or his mother. No wonder we have the same problems when old men are involved like the Kavanaugh thing. They really aren't old men they are old children who have never grown up. If anyone acted like he did at a job interview they would thrown out the door and he is still surrounded by other just as guilty old men who will defend him to the death. Orin hatch when asked about Ford said she's attractive, no one asked what he thought of her looks but about her credibility. Then when the reporter asked why he called her "attractive" he changed his response to "pleasing", no doubt he meant "to the eye". It's always that judgement when it comes to women, they are God's gift to men to do with as they will, not real live equal people.

.thanks for that point
recently I've heard of entitlement::
I find it difficult as my pop treated
his wife as a partner not an object


good point


I think sexual violence is a lot like gun violence in that so many of us can recognize it as a problem, identify what it is, and yet somehow, when it comes down to getting something done, another shiny thing enters the room and gets addressed instead. I don't get it.

It's about unintentionally demonstrating the thing that is more valued within society. It's violence against women because society tends toward protection of it's men at the expense of it's women. The current example of Bret Kavenaugh highlights the emphasis of the man's right to a given position (SCOTUS in this case) over the woman's experienced violation (violent sexual assault). We saw it with Bill Cosby (America's favorite dad/most prolific sexual predator), Harvey Weinstein (renowned filmmaker/unparalleled creep), Ben Roethlisberger, Kobe Bryant... I could go on for days.
We say "guns don't kill people, people kill people" because we value the right to a gun and gun culture more than we value a victim's right to life and sound body.
We espouse our love education and it's equal access for all, but we fund it primarily with property taxes, allow the cost of post-secondary to skyrocket far beyond what is affordable for the majority, pay teachers untenably low salaries, and hold the jobs and salaries attainable as a result of one's education in primacy over the intrinsic value of education itself.
One thing I like to tell people is that a nation/society will tell you exactly the things that it ACTUALLY values of you know how to listen. History will be our ultimate arbiter.

@ghettophilosopher Yeah, except I'm not so sure it's unintentional.

@chalupacabre A better word might be dissembled.

@chalupacabre ... I'm getting that
feeling also

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