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45 may be in some real tax trouble. Wouldn't it be hilarious if he was nabbed for the same thing Capone was?

Trump helped parents shield millions from taxes: New York Times

Condor5 8 Oct 2

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Yessirree! That day cannot come too soon for me or the world!


Because of the statute of limitations, it may be too late for criminal charges unless intent to defraud can be proved. But, civil penalties and asset forfeiture can still apply though they may have to wait until he is out of office.

But at least it may impact some followers who held onto his claims of being a great businessman and self-made billionaire.

@Condor5 you forget... he had said, and it is believable, that he could shoot some one in Times Squar and his supporters would not care. They won’t care about this either. To them, it’s proof he is smarter than the government. And, the alt-right will want to know how he did it so they can use it too.

@Rob1948 I was thinking more of those who are/were somewhat on the fence about him. His true blue core supporters are a lost cause, I'm afraid.

@Condor5 don’t see how anyone would be on the fence about him. Hell, I don’t know how anyone could be support him either.

@Rob1948 yep, that's a real head scratcher.


I just posted a similar post from CNN. OT a friend of mine lived in Ventura.

I was up in Ventura today walking my dogs and watching the surfers.


Like Capone, his dad, the Trump family, and the Kushners are deeply involved with a criminal enterprise (Russian mob). Multiple stories exist about Trump's association with the Russian mob prior to his running for office. Might explain his cosying up to Putin. I cannot personally corroborate this assertion as I live across the country.

I would not be surprised. I'm currently watching Rachel Maddow, who is laying out the whole N.Y. Times story, and it looks like a well run criminal enterprise.


Betcha he did the same thing with his kids.

I'll bet you're right.


And, Trump got $400 M from his father, not reported and taxes evaded.

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