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How do u react are what do u do ??when a coworker asks if u believe in god but u don't want to start a argument because ur at work??

CjMartinez 4 Oct 4

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I refuse to argue, but I'll debate it all day!


Just reply that: My beliefs are my own, as yours should be so refrain from asking !


Tell them calmly it is not an appropriate workplace conversation!


Tell them that you never discuss religion or politics it's always sure to offend someone


the only time that ever happened to me i said "i agree with mark twain, who said (i approximate here) 'i am glad god does not exist, for if he exists, surely he is a malign thug.'" it didn't go over well. i was young. i should have said "it is against the law to ask me that" because this was my boss asking. i don't know if it is or was against the law for a coworker to ask in casual conversation, so maybe "that is personal" would be the best answer if you don't feel like sharing.



I tell them that I don't discuss religion, politics, or my sex life at work & excuse myself to "go do that thing they pay us to" I rarely get repeats but if I do, I then tell them my cov...I mean my church...meets every full moon for ritual & worship. Clothing optional, of course. I do not get a repeat request for religious discussion after that.


I just tell them I am a nonbeliever. But I have had a chief tell me that there are certain things people don't have to discuss at work, among them is religion/spirituality. So if you don't want to talk about it, dont.

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