12 3

Can we love each other and treat each other right?

rferrari101 3 Oct 4

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Let's just work on trust. I listened to a pod cast, hidden brain. It was called creating god
It was a theory on how religion evolves. When we switched from a hunter gatherers culture to
an agrarian culture thus increasing their population. A system of police and unified rules evolves
Giving people the allusion that their ethics aligned and allowed them to trust each other.


No. We are tribal by nature. We can't even get along on this site where we are all supposed be some what like-minded regarding the fallacy of religion. Throw in some megalomaniacs, extreme politics, and religions then you end up with armies and wars.



Looking on the theoretical and mechanistic side... Yes.
By empirical observation.. No.



on a person by person basis or as a general thought experiment?



In a perfect world... but that place doesn’t exist. We just try to make do.

I think you are right


That sounds like sedition to me...comrade.


As a minimum we should....



It does not seem likely. Someone would rather have another boat than to give you healthcare.

I understand how selfish some can be, I wish we can just care about each other and treat each other right


We can ... but WILL we ? Lately it seems less and less likely.


The potential exists.

skado Level 9 Oct 4, 2018

Hi, Ferrari, and welcome to the website!

If we have enough ecstacy, CBD oil, and/or cannabis oil to go around, I suppose.

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Given the thousands of years of human history as an example, OH HELL NO!

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