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**I'm not sure the best of humanity wants to be in power.

Or that we could even encourage them to be?**

I think the character that makes people want to be politicians might actually not make them good for that role - to represent others.

And I don't mean low level jobs - you might get involved in that to actually try to improve your communitiy - but the higher up you go the worse the representation can get.

Any thoughts on this?

RavenCT 9 Oct 5

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Unfortunately, it seems more true today than in the past. Being a politician has become too complicated and fraught with pitfalls. Only those seem to apply that want something to gain, materially.
I have said this before and it is become obvious to me but our high population/demands coupled with high diversity has done a lot to create this situation. It has been predicted for decades and now it is coming true.


i have always said that you have to be a little nuts to allow yourself to do the things it is necessary to do to become president. so our choice is: do we want start wwiii nuts, or do we want can't keep it in his pants nuts? i am not talking about rape with the latter, just the usual, per fdr, eisenhower, jfk and bill clinton. do they do their jobs and have an annoying quirk that's really between them and their families and their extramaritals, or do they destroy the social safety net, destroy democracy, destroy our standing in the world and ultimately destroy the planet? tough choice, huh?



Different people have different motivations to do things. I think if a person sincerely wants to improve the world, s/he will want to get into politics because that is one good way change is made.


Money, & notoriety.


I honestly don't see why we even need Representatives anymore at all... We have the internet... We could hold the elections online. Put the legislation online for all of us to read and analyze a couple months prior to the voting. Then we vote. Simple really. One voice, one vote.

@Byrdsfan That occurred to me too.

Not sure we'll solve any of this in my lifetime. But I seem to have a perpetual kernel of hope.

@Byrdsfan some would argue that it already is?

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