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I have noticed that a few religious person have joined.
I don’t care but I would like to know if they are here for the dating aspect or are the heat to try to convert atheists. If they are to convert people than I wish they wouldn’t.

Oldcurmudgeon 6 Oct 6

Enjoy being online again!

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Trolls...have fun with them, by pointing out how their posted "cleverly" require you to posit a gawd in order to debate their theory. And ask them questions about Lot screwing his daughters, or Abraham pimping out Sarah, (more than once). Soon they will be replying IN ALL CAPS!!!


The site is open to anyone. If you want to know why they're here, why not ask them directly ?


I think they'll quickly get frustrated and leave if they're here to save souls, but we can treat them decently otherwise.

JimG Level 8 Oct 6, 2018

I don’t care, I wish they wouldn’t but it’s ok. I would hope they read things that open thier eyes. Trolling will not be tolerated obviously.


There are many groups for religious people out there, why are they here? I come here to escape them. Then I'm told that I must accept them here because they have as much right to be here. WTF. If they message me, I tell them off, then block them.

There are probably as many reasons to be here as there are members. If they're here out of curiosity or to find common ground, I'd prefer them to some of the nonbelievers.

Hell, even if they just come here to discover that atheism is not a religion, and I don't believe in the devil either, I'll give them partial credit. 😉

@JimG Well I don’t want them here. I’m allowed to want a place where I don’t have to deal with them. Since I don’t want them here, I don’t have to talk to them. If they have the right to be here then I have the right to choose not to communicate with them.


Are you kidding, bring it on!!!!!!! let's single these people out and do a public trial where we accuse them of believing stupid shit and then punish them for it.


No one can convert another person. Each person must weigh the evidence and decide for himself, or remain undecided. IMO it is valuable to exchange metaphysical ideas regardless of content, and it is good to have a variety of opinions on any forum.

Open-minded people can deal with dissenting opinions.


They're just clueless, as most religious people are.

I block anyone I notice is religious at all..their profiles have a "block" button.

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