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How do you folks deal with friends that continuously post bullshit on other social media sites? Block the pages they are sharing? Unfollow? Unfriend?
By bullshit, I mean anything from any religion, zodiac, psuedoscience.....

onthefire 7 Oct 6

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My oldest sister is like that. I typically block the users that she is sharing. Sometimes, because she knows about my opinions, I'll respond with an opposing view. She never responds to them.


How about ignore, or maybe gently make fun of, or try an actual Fact, posed as a question?


On Facebook I routinely defriend/block/delete and break off all contact with Trump supporters, and with people who post occasional Christian memes, I "hide" the first two, but after that I "unfollow" them.


depends if they are just facebook friends i unfollow if they are real life friends i ask what i did to have them in my life then either unfollow unfriend or call them a dick for posting shit


I’m not that easy triggered. I let people be sheep.. I just unfollow and scroll on. I don’t friend acquaintances to start with, I only friend people I see on a regular basis and most of them know and respect my position on religion.


I just scroll on and don't even look at it.


Unfollow unless they are hateful with it, then unfriend.

Zster Level 8 Oct 6, 2018

You can unfollow them if you don't like their posts, just remember it works both ways. Or you can "educate" them.


I attack their baseless assertions, expose them as being void of any truth/reality value. They block me. I have no tolerance for stupidity.

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