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Saw this on my feed and dear lord...Friends this is why Trump is president, Kavanaugh is headed to the supreme court and ots safe to expect 4 more years of MAGA...Many in the GOP might be ass hats but they are united ass hats...Where as instead of banding together and supporting each other while protesting injustices together the rhetoric here is...."Stop copying us! Come on people

josh23452 7 Oct 8

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Oh horsefeathers! I marched under Bush 1 for abortion rights, twice...involving 8 hours one-way on a bus each time. I have recently sat-in for gun rights, marched for both black & LGBTQ issues. So have a lot of other women!,! I call/email/ my "representatives" regularly. I also worked hard for Bernie! Does this fool think I sat on my ass all these years & then suddenly woke up? And that the other women trying to help their sisters sat around and played bridge all these years.? And that none of them have experienced unpleasant sexual situations, ever? Or is he trying to minimize this movement? Idiot!


martin luther king knelt in protest and i bet he wasn't the first person ever to think of it either. i don't know what color skin the person who first thought of it had, and i don't care. i don't think king would care whether more than one group of people did it now. this bishop is a fool.


I'd like to take a look at protest and social movements throughout the years and I'm willing to bet many have been used more than once.


Get off your butt & vote! Acting as if "4 more years" is inevitable makes it happen! Not vot ing is Acceptance & approval of this crap!
Oh, and donate to the ACLU!

My friend I managed to vote in the last election despite being on the other side of the planet at the time.

@josh23452 good for you, do it again! (My reply was Not directed at you personally, it is time for everybody to realize Not voting is a big mistake!)

@AnneWimsey rest assured I didn't take it as such my dear 🙂

i will butt in and mention that although i lived in japan i voted in presidential elections nonetheless. not having an american address i am pretty sure i didn't get to choose the whole slew of candidates, nor vote in primaries, but i did my civic duty as i was permitted and it was a joy.


@genessa I myself was in the middle of the Pacific in a big metal tub..If you and I can do it...Anyone can!!!

@josh23452 oh indeed!



Racist people come in all genders and colors. He is no different.


They can all stop worrying - Trump's made his big mistake now. Kavanaugh's position will become untenable as more information comes to light and he'll have to be replaced. A Democrat will get to choose his replacement.

You're a little more optimistic on the topic than me my friend..As much as I like folks on the left so don't have much faith in them at the moment.


Yeah, the left is too fucking smart and clever for it's own good.


This is nothing new. 🙂

@jorj George Washington made a statement about the dangers of political parties during his farewell address and it seems it's playing itself out right now.


For all the whining the right does about socialism, they are pushing something much wore: fascism.

godef Level 7 Oct 8, 2018

That is quite true sir and while so agree with the left in most cases they have the disadvantage of not being able to collect themselves together..

Much like religion after spending all that time fighting over which invisible man in the sky, now they won't stop stop amongst themselves how to worship that invisible man. The right for all their faults doesn't seem to have that problem.

@josh23452 That's because they're just too dumb. At least we have a conscious.

@godef that might be...Now just think what would happen if the left stopped splitting itself time after time.

@josh23452 Actually, that's what Twump is doing to the GOP right now. Question is, will the damage done in the meantime be too much to overcome? If we "split" time after time, it's because of that conscious, whereas the GOP has no conscious and will just whore themselves to whatever gun-nut religious freak that will vote for them. It's hard to fight stupidiy like that.

I cannot understand why "socialism" is perceived in this country as such a bad has given the Nordic countries the highest standard of living in the world...something we once had. What we have now is the highest standard of living in the world...for the wealthy.

@dahermit It's just a GOP talking point: "It's a gateway drug to communism and that's why all liberals are evil."

@godef that split is still hurtful to us..helpful to the GOP...Ever since 2016 it's just one more thing to split on after another all the while essentially agreeing on the issues and one set or another not being willing to talk or more importantly listen even over petty semantics...


just what we need -- division. it isn't white supremacy to kneel just because some black people also kneel. it's a good peaceful protest. it's not copyrighted. and who is this bishop anyway? i am guessing he does not represent the feelings of most black people (and some black people ARE women!)


DAMNIT Ghandi! Didn't anyone tell you, You're not allowed to fast in form of protest because you didn't come up with it!

@josh23452 for that matter, we shouldn't vote, because that's been done before too! hey, stop that guy over there; he's breathing! i was breathing FIRST!


@genessa seems an awful like two people dancing to two songs from the same album..Dancing the same steps...One turns to the other and says... Hey I was doing that first.

@josh23452 hahahaha!



Yeah. I'm going to just continue to ignore the flag AND the anthem altogether.
Neither mean a damned thing to me.

Symbols are for the....Symbolminded...Get it...Get it.


Good grief.

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