10 5

I finally, requested help from a police official in Portland,thank goodness,she was a woman, but even with that,I was terrified that the cop is going to kill me for asking help....she turned out to be a clever warm official. True,some cops are human beings.

Humanlove 7 Oct 9

Enjoy being online again!

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Many police are great people, to bad they don't make the news more often. They deserve it.


Probably the majority. The bad ones really stand out though.


Lt sickens me to see what locals are letting antifa get away with there. If there ever was a reason to take out the pepper spray and a baseball bat to these people, this is damn sure it. Hell, the NRA should be filming tv adds there right now... ?✊


lt sickens me to see what locals are letting antifa get away with there. If there ever was a reason to take out the pepper spray and a baseball bat to these people, this is damn sure it. Hell, the NRA should be filming tv adds there right now... ?✊


i have had good and bad experiences with cops. they're like everyone else, good and bad, friendly and cranky, honorable and dishonorable... with a rather large caveat. the caveat is twofold: 1. while it does attract altruists, it also attracts people who want to be in positions of power for the purpose of abusing same, and 2. many (i don't know HOW many, or if i should say MOST) of the police departments of the united states have been infiltrated by the kkk. that's not conspiracy-theory talk. that's real. here is one of MANY reports about this: []



Maine or Oregon?

Most police officers ARE good people. It’s unfortunate that the bad ones stick out in memory. And you have to remember they are treated badly every day—a lot of the gruffness is to protect themselves.

Though, I have had some very bad experiences too. My son is half black, I’ve dealt with a lot of prejudice towards him.


that's so refreshing


I'm glad you're safe.

Maybe the same experiences as people coming here from another country,fearing the Police and Military,bribes,graft,and "Favors"?

@Mike1947 I think you replied to the wrong person my friend. 🙂 I believe this is pointed one comment down.


Have you had bad experiences with the police before? What made you think it would be a bad experience?

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