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Rage ! Now we have two creeps in our government. When I was single a barfly at a popular meet market would reach over and take my forearm to detain me as I walked by. I started with "Why are you touching me?" Second incident, " Get your hands off me." Third incident, I slapped his arm away and said "no more, or I'm calling the manager" Once more, and I did call the manager, who barred him for ever. A different creep walked down a long curved bar at a different club trailing his hand over every woman's back. My date said let it go. I'm sorry to say I did. Should have kicked him in the nuts. I'm glad social rules are changing and more women are loudly objecting. With God missing the Patriarchy should crumble and fall. Don't worry, guys. More rights and autonomy for women does not mean fewer for you. It ain't pie.

ForTheBirds 6 Oct 9

Enjoy being online again!

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Let’s see, I’ve had an MD offer to put a stripper pole in the Cardiac Cath Lab for me, the hospital did nothing. I see his stupid ass all the time. I’m harassed on routine basis by docs. The thing with MD’s is they don’t work for the hospital, there’s very little recourse and the hospital always takes thier side.


Vote the GOP out!!


two? only two?


Girlfriends tell me I'm intimidating, which is OK by me. If they think I'm a bit much for them, then they have named their limitations.

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