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A watched clock boils twice a day. #MixedMetaphors

PolyWolf 7 Oct 11

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A broken squirrel finds a nut twice a day.

But whose nut is it?

@PolyWolf the mystery is half fun!


my two favorites are (from a dorm neighbor when i was in college a million years ago) "that just drives me up a bat!" and (more recently, and said on purpose) "it's not rocket surgery."


Rocket surgery is great. I'd never heard drives me up a bat, definitely stealing that. It's so good.

@PolyWolf i know she thought that was the real expression. now hear it in your mind in an extreme boston accent and you've got it!


@genessa Are you familiar with the term "eggcorn"? I recommend looking it up online if you have a moment - it's basically my favorite quirk of the human mind.

@PolyWolf no! is it like an acorn? i'll go look!


@PolyWolf ah i see. like "for all intensive purposes" and "i should of." ugh they drive me nuts! now that i know there is a name for that... yeah they still drive me nuts.. unless they're uncommon and funny.


@genessa I had a boss who literally only used those, not realizing that's what they were. He was also from Bwoston actually, fun fact. I wonder if it's just a thing they have.

@PolyWolf could be. this has to be a close relation of malapropisms. i wonder if yogi bera was into eggcorns too?


@genessa It's certainly possible, though I believe the coinage of the term happened well after his passing (but I could be wrong).

@PolyWolf oh the term certainly comes well after the practice. people have been making eggcorns since people have been speaking! i am sure bera didn't know what a malapropism was either but he made them.


@genessa Given how funny that many could be, I certainly would believe he knew the term, but I'm biased because I think I'm funny and I think I'm smort.

@PolyWolf bera was funny too but not on purpose lol


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