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What's your best city in America and what makes it special to you?

Humanlove 7 Jan 31

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LA is cool. My girl is there and weed is freaking legal! But others are cool, too.


Since I am not counting my San Juan as part of America... I had a blast in Miami but it was the company, New York makes me nervous, DC was my playground but Las Vegas is my choice because... I don't gamble, barely drink, don't smoke, no stripper joint... everything the city offers to the tourist is not of my interest... but the locals can really salsa and my son is there so... I can be a stranger in strange land and hide at plainsight while feeling at home in the city in that crater of the moon.


I love Portland, OR. If I ever move to/near another large(ish) city in the continental US, it would probably be Portland. Boise, ID is nice, my brother lives there; but it's really too far from the ocean to suit me.


If I absolutely had to choose though definitely any major city in Tennessee / Blue Ridge or New Orleans.


I've been to almost every big city in America and have lived in Denver, New York, Kansas City, Gainesville (FL), Chicago, and Burlington(Vt) for 8 months to 3 years respectively.

Every city has a different vibe to it, different crowds and energies, graffiti, food, architecture, and each city has different pieces to it. But All American cities have heart in my opinion. It doesn't matter which city is the best on paper - just run with it's energy.


Well, I'm pretty partial to the Twin Cities of St. Paul and Minneapolis. I lived here for 23 years. For a fairly small metropolitan area, there is a TON of fun and unique things that would take way to long to list. Bold North!


I love Asheville, NC. It’s located in the Blue Ridge Mountains, which I think is a beautiful area. There are so many things to do and see. From my house I can be there in about an hour, so it’s far enough away from me to feel like I’m actually going somewhere, but close enough that I can go for just the day.


I'm particularly fond of San Francisco. It's in one of my favorite parts of the country. It's beautiful, and so much of the architecture and scenery is incredible. I haven't been there in years, and I would love to go back sooner than later. The food is pretty good, too!


Whitney, TX because it is where my home is located and there is no place like home.

I hope you have red slippers. 😉 lol

@jayneonacobb If I did I would probably end up in Kansas.


Philly! Mutter museum.

I have visited cities like San Francisco, Minneapolis,LA,NYC, Washington DC, Seattle,St.Helens, Shelton, Philly, Portland OR. Wisconsin, Lansing, Detroit, Eugene,Salem, Olympia ,Brematon,Denver, and Washington DC's appearance looks like it wants to grab my heart.

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