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Mark 16:17-18 Says That True Belivers Can Drink Poison And Be Perfectly Fine.

Please Demonstrate Your Faith Before You Impose Your Religion On The Rest Of Us

Greenheart 7 Oct 13

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On a website named whom do you think is reading this?
If you want to address Christians, you need to post this on a Christian site.

This post is pointless here unless you are just indulging in some attention seeking behavior.


You are walking a fine line of suggesting to people to harm themselves. Not cool at all. If this was my site you would be banned. wording is everything when touching such subjects.

Ohferpetessake, he is pointing out mire of the babbles ridiculousness! And suggesting xian are hypocrites (indeedy-do!) because they "cherry-pick" verses to suit whatever they want.
Get a grip! Well-done, OP!


Yeah, and how about a few poisonous snakes in the home too.....


Some Pentecostal churches do drink watered down stycnine and dance with poisonous snakes. Sometimes people do get sick and or die. I saw a video about a guy who makes his living catching poisonous snakes to sell to churches, and he was experiencing difficulties due to some states making laws against such practices. Most snakes have their poison milked before being danced with. Also, some churches use snake venom instead of stycnine. Perfectly safe if you don't have an ulcer. Venom differs from poison as it must go into the blood system to affect someone.

Thanks for the enlightenment about these horrible practices. I'm aware that some people in southern areas took these verses literally and tried to act it out. Every now and then you here about a death from snakebite. The ignorant might tell you that Paul was bitten by a viper on Malta and he just shook it off. The sake came out of a woodpile. The problem here is that Malta does not have poisonous snakes. Apparently it never has had them and ignorant people wanted to make believers have extra powers from god.


I have that verse as wallpaper for my IBM computer.


You will not find many christians reading your post here.


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