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In Genesis, it clearly says that " god said, Let US make man in OUR own image."
Ask most Faithfools why God is speaking in the Plural form and not the Singular since, according to them and the bible, there IS only ONE God and they will either scratch their heads or respond with " God spoke in the plural form since that is how ' Royalty' refers to itself.
Then, as I have done at least a thousand or more times, ask them why would a Supreme, Omnipotent Being ever be speaking to itself and watch for their bewilderment, etc.
Has anyone else tried or come across this?

Triphid 9 Oct 14

Enjoy being online again!

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I try to avoid religious wing nuts and when I encounter them and they begin preaching at me, I act bored and mumble, "Um-hum, that's nice" while glancing at my watch, then I LEAVE.

In a short time, they are trained to avoid religious subjects when talking to me.

  1. It's possible this is a reference to the 'Holy Trinity'

  2. It is possible this is a use of the Royal We.

In either case, it's likely to be some vaguely political nonsense folded into the religious text after the fact during its many many many retranslations, royal tweaks, and edits used by clergy and royalty alike to affix divine credibility to their administrations.


I am not sure that is found in the very poorly translated King James version which many evangelicals take as literally god's words. If only they understood they are not only reading stolen writings from other religions, they are reading the worst translation from the Latin of their chosen book. And, of course, that Latin was translated mostly from ancient Greek and Aramaic.

It's funny to me that the version of the bible many consider the standard was published six years after King James published another book on summoning and binding demons in the tradition of Solomon. And this might be anecdotal, but I've heard that the 'whosoever changes this text will burn in hell' clause didn't show up until King James' version.


good point, had not noticed that before, anyway why wouldnt god talk to himself, hes got sod all to do otherwise

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