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A complaint I have since adopting an agnostic position is that too much of the atheist/agnostic concerns seem to center around anti-theism. I assume this has plenty to do with the dominant culture being religious and the backgrounds of lots of nonbelievers are religious. My own experience fits this paradigm and breaking away from my religious indoctrination initially required frequent reminders of why I no longer believed. The problem has been that I've grown tired of the negativity and concentrating on what's wrong with religion. So what have others found to concentrate on that is positive, encouraging, (dare I say) inspirational, or the like?

RussRAB 8 Oct 16

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Its not necessarily negativity towards religion as such------ i don't think athiests and agnostics are vehement enough against religion ------- i mean what does the word "spiritual " mean ------- it come from the latin "to breath ........ are we all breathless or full of breath ? Ask anyone one what spiritual means ------its an absolute joke !!!


I guess I have just moved beyond any of the arguments over religion. Extremely unlike you change anyone's beliefs anyway.


Wait a minute. What is meant by 'negativity' in this post? Would, for example, my saying, "Religion is a divisive force in society," be considered negativity in your view? Give me your answer for this, then we have room for discussion.

Fair enough. I recently signed up for a atheist/agnostic e'mail news group. The majority of the articles appear to report on the bad behavior of Christians and other religious individuals. In another response to a poster here, I realized that my question was actually a dilemma about what I do believe - something affirmative - rather that having how I describe my belief as based on something I don't believe or on what's wrong with the beliefs of others.


focus on you. I mean it is a natural position for agnostic/atheists to take but again I don't feel like railing against a concept that isn't a reasonable position. I live and let live. If someone wants to believe I do not think less of them as a person if their core values line up with what I think a good person should be

Just be you. You can not participate in the strong anti-theist debates/rants

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