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Cats wisdom

GipsyOfNewSpain 9 Oct 17

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Just so long as you keep the cat nip coming...

Something a dog will never understand.


Dogs are snitches... ?

Tell that to a Blind.

@GipsyOfNewSpain a blind.... ? Venetian blinds lol

@Cutiebeauty Venetian, Grecian, Mongolese... plus a cat doing Shepheard Duty? Nah... too lazy plus Wolves will eat them up as a furry chalupa. Besides dogs look funny with a mouse in their mouth... or at least they should. For all our Pets we will find a Use... and yes dogs are snitches and guardians... like humans robbers and coppers. The cats will rip the benefits... the kingpins of the house.

@GipsyOfNewSpain very insightful.. And funny. Lol




So true. lol


Cats rule! Dogs drool!

Somebody has to assist the Blind.


LOL... As I don't use drugs, the cats have nothing to tell.

That's your first mistake... any dog owner will tell you.

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