41 4

When your significant other goes to strip clubs regularly because of "friends" is that a red flag?

UrsiMajor 8 Feb 2

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41 comments (26 - 41)

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You should of gone with him... ? Could go either way, was he just hanging out? or was he getting really involved?


There are a few questions you should be asking yourself first. Is that a true statement or is this person only using friends as an excuse?
What are your thoughts about someone going to a strip club who you have feeling for?
How long have you been together?
Ultimately, strip clubs only offer an illusion. A very expensive illusion. Last time I went to one I felt really weird. This was like 7 or 8 years ago. But I couldn’t understand why certain women would treat themselves as an object. It’s very degrading in my opinion. But I see couples going together and they have a great time. It’s really up to you. What are you willing to live with!


It's kind of weird. I understand it's a night out with the boys, and maybe that's all his friends do and he's "stuck" going with them if he wants to hang out with them at all, but if I'm with someone then why do I need to go to a strip club unless I'm going with her because we both get off on it? Is the guys desire for his woman gone? Is he not attracted to her anymore? I've been to a strip club a couple of times, but I was single. It can be interesting, but it's basically a tease unless some of the girls offer other services, which quite a few of them do.


Red flags, red G strings, what's the difference?


Just remember, you don’t pick up girls at strip clubs.

Wanna bet? Lol

No. They would be pros. @Piece2YourPuzzle

@Gatovicolo Not always. There are straight and/or bi women who go to strip clubs with women strippers.

Well it’s been years since I’ve been to a strip club. @Piece2YourPuzzle


If it is the kind of place where customers can touch or be touched by dancers - huge red flag for me but you have to decide if it matters to you. I think this type of place is the norm in the USA. If they do lap dances and/or private rooms, then it basically is prostitution.

If it is the kind where the stippers stay on the stage and there is no touching, not a red flag necessarily. This was the norm in Vancouver, BC where I grew up.

Can I ask you something? Do people throw Loonies up on stage or is there an exchange and they give you fake money that the girls can exchange for real money later? I would think throwing Loonies up there would be pretty weird lol

@Piece2YourPuzzle I haven't been since my early 20's when they still had $1 and $2 bills. Good question but I don't know.


Maybe he needs new friends...


I think it would depend on the guy and the strip club, and the friends. I had female friends when I was younger that went to strip clubs when they had boyfriends. Wasn't much of an issue..

MsAl Level 8 Feb 2, 2018

It's a matter of what kinds of agreements and feelings you have. If you don't like it and have told him to stop and he goes anyway, that's a huge red flag. Some women don't mind their partner doing that if they come home aroused, and some women even encourage it. If you haven't told him how it makes you feel, do.


I'd be there with him. I lo e strip clubs

I never understood the mentality of "strip clubs are cheating" people can enjoy a plethora of bodies while still loving their s o. It makes my brain hurt.


Never been into the strip club phenom. My significant other always gave me all I can handle I guess. I reckon I was the "friend" that didn't went. The one always missing because he was in a club clubbing with his clubbing friends.


No. It's her job.....



Maybe, idk, did you ever go with? Would you have?

I never asked. Not my thing. Actually, in retrospect, I wouldn't have been invited b/c of what the friend was up to...


You had said that the relationship was over. If this is a red flag, then it was not the real issue(s)?

The primary reason was me not wanting babies. But the stripclubbng with the addicted friend started way before that.

@MrLizard yep... 🙂

There are two sides to a relationship. Whatever the differences were, it is down to the parties involved to reach some reasonable accommodation otherwise continuous serious dissatisfaction will occur. There may be two versions of the reasons that caused the regular visits to the strip clubs with friends. In the words of Shakespear and Pres Xi "What is past is prologue". Look forward to your future. Regards. @UrsiMajor


Yep! Sorry 😟


Women are beautiful creatures.
A stripper has to eat just like the rest of us.

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