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What difference does it make for one to believe in the divine or not?? Arguing for the existence or non-existence of a god or gods is one of the most petty arguments of all, and one of the biggest wastes of time I can think of. What difference does it make? Why does it matter?? Why do you keep wasting your time with nonsense???

Shifty 4 Oct 21

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You're sooo funny. Lmao.
Isn't this topic equally a waste of time?
I'll say it again, you funny. ??


Atheism is a LACK of belief in the divine. No belief is not disbelief.

As an atheist I don't waste my time arguing for OR against the unsubstantiatable. I argue for withholding belief in things that are asserted without valid evidence.

I do that because the world is literally coming unglued at the seams because people are willing to [dis]believe what they wish to [dis]believe rather than what is supportable to [dis]believe.

Theism is just one expression of that problem. And sure, I'm opposed to it. Particularly the authoritarian variants like Christian fundamentalism, which is the main enabler / supporter of Trumpism and the creeping dissolution of American democracy.


We don’t come here to argue whether there is a god or not unless a godbotherer comes in and tells us we are wrong. This site is named what it is! That argument is already over by the time we sign up here, so if you want an argument I suggest you go elsewhere.


I agree with your post. It really is a waste of time because none of us have any knowledge or understanding of this God that we are arguing over. To say that you believe or disbelieve is meaningless if you have no idea of the thing to be believed or disbelieved. In that the nature of ultimate reality is a profound, overwhelming mystery, it seems to me that the natural reaction would be awe and wonder rather than belief or disbelief.

There are however, some very astute people on this site who have positive ideas and probing questions, and I enjoy reading their posts and exchanging ideas with them.


Why don't you move to a Muslim country and then tell me if you still think arguing for reason over mythology is a waste of time?


i can't help noticing that YOU'RE here. why are you wasting your time?

by the way, most of us are not arguing for the existence or nonexistence of a god or gods. most of us are reading and posting in all KINDS of categories here, mostly unrelated to the existence of nonexistence of a god or gods. we're just doing it here instead of (or in addition to) elsewhere because it's a place we expect to be attacked less for being agnostics, atheists, freethinkers or whatever. yes, we talk about religion or lack thereof as well. we talk about cats, and recipes, too. what difference does THAT make? but we enjoy it.



I don't know if you noticed but there are people who base their political positions on the divine. And those same people try to influence the lives of others. There are many real life issues that are influenced by those silly questions. I agree that they are silly and shouldn't matter but in the world we live in they do matter to many people.

Dietl Level 7 Oct 21, 2018

Why do you care what people argue about if you're not arguing it? Why do you care about their wasting of their time? You're asking what difference does it make whether a god runs the universe or not? You're asking why does it matter if a person thinks the universe is supernatural or not?

What significant things do you argue about that's not wasting time?


I suppose it's a waste of time because it doesn't change whether they actually exist or not. It's also usually a waste of time because neither of you are likely to change the other's mind. I don't, however, think it's a waste of time to protest someone else trying to impose their religious views or rules on me or other people who don't share their beliefs.

Carin Level 8 Oct 21, 2018
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