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LOTTERY is growing and getting bigger. Oficials keep saying how much it would be if you won both Powerball and Mega Millions. What is this? Did anyone ever win both?

I played favorite numbers yestrday and won nothing. The numbers came to me in a dream Friday night by way of a smoking model of the starhip Enterprise. My numbers were written in the half circle of the starship's hull, all still smoking as the ship flew in front of me and landed. I suppose I will play the numbers until somebody wins.

At midnight last night I saw on computer that Florida had a Powerball winner. I paid it little attention but this morning it was gone. There were several 1 million and 2 million winners it said over several states. 

Good luck to everyone and remember that you cannot win if you do not play.
DenoPenno 9 Oct 21

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm going to play about $4 worth on PB and Mega until somebody wins the big one. Ideas of showing combined winnings on each game is an enticement to get you to play. It's greed on the part of the lotto people. No one person has ever won both games.


Not me... yet...

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