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Making a Murderer quick poll.

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itsmedammit 8 Oct 21

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I have no idea what this is about. Maybe you could add that as an option.

Making a Murdered is a Netflix documentary. The first ten episodes were released in 2015, the second set just a couple of days ago. The short story is that it is about a murder of a young woman and the two men who are charged with the murder. The series suggests police corruption unethical behavior.

If you do not have Netflix and are interested (it is a compelling watch) I think it can be seen elsewhere, on the Internet.

I voter "Don't have enough information to know" 'cause I don't know what it is either.

@Carin Sorry, thought for a moment I was on Reddit. jk As per my response to bingst, it is a documentary series about the trials of a man and his nephew for the murder of a young woman. It questions much of the criminal justice system. It was quite compelling to watch. Maybe more compelling for me since I lived in the state at the time the murder occurred and recall the press releases at the time. I remember feeling shocked and disgusted by the horror described. Now I am shocked and disgusted that the story most likely is not true, yet it was instrumental in obtaining the convictions. There is much more to it than the press release but you can watch it if you are interested. No need for me to rattle on.

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