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LGBTQ Community Announces Rallies to New York Times Report That Trump Wants to Reverse Transgender Policies-WTF is The POS POTUS Doing Going Backwards in Time?

sassygirl3869 9 Oct 22

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I suspect his administration wants (desperately) to move the media news cycle past Saudi Arabia's travesty, and of course what better way to do it and achieve something for his neo-con crowd. I doubt any of these Tranny rules will hold up in court, assuming our judiciary is not already too polluted, which is not to say that it is not concerning to trans-people, in fact a good friend of mine called and she was concerned.

cava Level 7 Oct 22, 2018

He would subject everyone rights except his own if given the opportunity to do so. He is going to far in his hate with the religious right support. These need to be addressed in the press but for some reason they get little press.

    <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" class="forumlink">[]</a><strong>transgender</strong>-existence-ny-times-181805960.html
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