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A concept of a god.
This god is in the trees,land,air,water,in everything. Does not write books , answer prayers or offer reward and punishment. Does not require sacrifice , or worship and praise. Has not been reduced to becoming a being or an entity. Is neither male or female. To hear the sound of god listen to the wind blow, the waves crashing on the shore, hear the thunder. to see god see the leaves rustling in the wind , see the waves crashing on the shore. see the lightning that causes the thunder. Does not require belief. Does not exists yet consist of everything. Fits well with the laws of physics , all of the elements and is one with nature.

factorbelief 6 Oct 23

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Amen Brother!

skado Level 9 Oct 24, 2018

Does not need to be referred to as god, either.


Ah, this appeals to my residual, ancestral bit of "woo:" animism! Instead of seeing some god in nature, however, my animism sees nature itself - animals, trees, places, rocks, etc. - as alive and aware, therefore deserving of respect. My ancestors saw the world that way before converting to various "world" religions (Christianity, Islam, Buddhism), and the sensibility often survived alongside the new beliefs. I still find an emotional attraction to this, but my intellect says, "Well, hold on now!" So, I see it as poetic metaphor and enjoy the natural world for being just that: natural, wonder-filled and something of which I am a part.

I agree . I have a friend who is a theist. He said it was the best explanation he has heard for a god. It is not a god at all.


that's not god. that's nature. what is the point of renaming it "god" when "god" has such an evocative meaning for so many people? that's certainly not my concept of a god. a god is a deity. deities are imaginary. nature is not imaginary. therefore there is no point in calling nature a deity.


It was used to show a theist the god he thinks of as just being nature.

As I pointed out .Has not been reduced to becoming a being or a deity.

@factorbelief but the theist's god is NOT just being nature. the theist's god is a big sky daddy. also you did not make it clear that you were speaking to any particular group. you appeared to be presenting this as if it were a new idea for what god is. you appeared actually to BE reducing it to a deity, despite saying otherwise at one point.



Beautifully said.

We’re on the same wavelength.


If a god exists as you described and does not intervene when prayed to, what would it matter to us if he exists or not?

You got it.

The thought of Ultimate Reality raises my spirits and brings joy. It’s not about getting favors. It’s subjective feelings of awe, appreciation and gratitude.

@WilliamFleming This is very close to what the american Indians believed. They had great respect for the land. Almost sacred.


So why not just call it the natural world and no-one will get confused?

Your right. Just nature.

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