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Atheist Award to Stephen Fry


Now this is what we need. Lack of faith awards.

I propose that we need to honour someone on with such an award.

I propose myself. No, wait, that's not very modest. Someone will have to nominate me and I'll accept with all the surprise and humility I can feign.

I know there some people here who won't approve due to their distain for Dawkins but to the true atheists amongst us, this is good to see. Awards for famous atheists. Bring it on.


David1955 8 Oct 25

Enjoy being online again!

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I sure many would nominate you for the award simply on the basis of the quality of your contributions and sense of humor...🙂


Arm wrestle ya for it?!

@David1955 who? Dainty l'il ol' me?

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