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I hate the feeling of being watched. Friday I pulled into the parking lot of a strip club to turn around and when I got home and began using my computer, I noticed that the ads were about the strip club that I was near. There are pros and cons about geolocation and this is definitely a big con. Care to comment?

IAJO163 8 Oct 28

Enjoy being online again!

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There is one person at work that calls me Lucy Loo and lately Ive been getting email about Lucy Lui


Since when does it take 3 hours to "turn around"? 😉


LOL, yeah, your phone knows. I always delete the weed store out of my map history.


Oh it gets worse than that. I walked into a department store, bought a handbag and left. When I logged onto the internet I was immediately hit by adds for handbags. The store sold many other items. I didn't research them or even say handbag in conversation. Big brothers got my cc #too it seems.

That happened to me before. I was in the housewares section of a store and when I got home there were ads for the pots I was considering.


Wow...that's truly creepy.

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