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If you were diagnosed with a terminal condition that you knew would drag your loved ones down and drain them all dry, would you consider a one way road trip alone without anyway of being contacted whilst you still could?

Nardi 7 Nov 1

Enjoy being online again!

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That actually happened with a acquaintance of mine. She was an older German with an interesting background. She came to the US and got her PhD in botany and started a local Tree Fruit club (especially in unusual fruits as hardy Kiwis) and was also the president of the Seattle Mycological society. She was having jmore and more health issue and simply went to a popular area (Lake Chelan in central Wash). and disappeared. They found her car unlocked along with her purse. Her son got a search party but no luck. Sometime later a hiker said she thought she saw someone fitting the description so another search party was don but still nothing. I knew her and could see this was her style.


Absolutely. My wife feels the same way.

Ironically in a world that supported self-determination in this area, people would choose to hang on longer. As it is, the ideal, humane, safe way to do this -- as humane as we provide for our pets -- is someplace like Switzerland and for that you have to be able, physically and financially, to travel, so compared to dying in the comfort of your own home surrounded by loved ones, you'll tend to exit a lot sooner. In fact in 'Murica you wouldn't want to risk involving family.


No. I would want to be with loved ones. But I would also refuse treatment.

UUNJ Level 8 Nov 1, 2018

I would put my financial house in order, divy up all assets, arrange for that long ass dirt nap, say my goodbyes & go out on my own terms. My family is already aware of my choices should anything of this nature, including dementia or Alzheimer's, occur.

Me too I plan on it one day.


Most interesting and all to real question: Most states have filial responsibility laws. As the Republicatards reduce/ kill off Medicare social security: Most children whose parents do not die a rapid (inexpensive) death, will be placed in bankruptcy.


No, I would stay at home with family, but I would No Code.

sorry but what is no code?

@Nardi Let me die without heroic efforts.


That's why I have health insurance.


That is common knowledge.


No, I would consider having a fatal accident, but I would make sure that I departed on good terms with those I care about and not reveal anything of my plans. It would just be an unfortunate and tragic mishap as far as anyone would know.

JimG Level 8 Nov 1, 2018

That hadn't occurred to me.


i am the caregiver of my guy with alzheimer's. how selfish it would be of me to abandon him.


Yeah i understand that.


If possible, I would eventually off myself, in some un-messy fashion.

what like sleeping tablets or something?

@Nardi Running a generator in an enclosed space.


I would be on the one way journey to neverland.

It just sounds so tempting instead of exposing those you love to the strain and drain. Especially if they are all struggling as it is.

@Nardi Yep.

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